MSSNY Candidate Statement, for Vice President

Jerome C. Cohen, MD, FACP, AGAF

Why I Am Running for MSSNY VP

Medicine has been very good to me, and has lifted me from humble beginnings. I am very grateful for this, and I have devoted 30+ years of my life in “giving back” to the profession, and working to ensure that the next generation of physicians has the same or better opportunities that I have had. If elected, I will continue to work on behalf of you, my colleagues in medicine and leadership.

MSSNY leadership positions are hard work, and are served best by individuals who have demonstrated a track record of service to this organization, are committed to putting the needs of the organization first, and view leadership positions as service obligations which serve you, the members of MSSNY. I am that person, and I ask for your vote for MSSNY Vice President

My track record of service to MSSNY includes:

2019-presentTrustee, Board of Trustees
2000-presentMSSNY Delegate to the AMA House of Delegates
2013-2021Elected Member, AMA Council on Constitution and Bylaws
   Chair, 2018-2019
2010-2015Speaker of the MSSNY House of Delegates
2005-2010Vice-Speaker of the MSSNY House of Delegates
1999-2005Sixth District Councilor, MSSNY
1992-1999Member, MSSNY Medical Liability Defense Board
   Chair, 1998-1999
1991-1992President, Broome County Medical Society

In particular, I wish to highlight my years of service as your Speaker of the House of Delegates. I have a proven track record of being fair and courteous to all. I have always ensured that everyone has a chance to be heard, especially if they are voicing a minority or contrarian opinion, to give them ample opportunity to appeal to the majority and change people's minds. I continue to encourage students, women, and minority members to become active, and I have promoted people to serve on the Reference Committees based upon their talents and abilities. As Speaker, I have conducted the affairs of the House to ensure that the Will of the House prevailed, and I continue to do so in my current roles as Delegate to the AMA and as MSSNY Trustee.

I have extensive experience at the local, state, and national medical society levels, including 2 terms on our AMA Council on Constitution and Bylaws, and a current position as a MSSNY Trustee. My position as a Trustee was appointed because of my knowledge and experience at all levels of organized medicine and with our members. I have extensive outside experience of having served on a College Foundation Board, an American Cancer Society Board, and an insurance Peer Review Board, among others.

I have several decades of experience of effectively working with and lobbying our State and National representatives.

Due to the challenges of private practice, I transitioned to becoming an employed Gastroenterologist for Bassett, where I remain in touch with the everyday challenges and difficulties of current medical practice in our State. It is critically important that MSSNY leaders are actively practicing medicine so they are tuned into the stressors and frustrations every physician must face.

For more information about my credentials, I invite you to visit:

My Vision for MSSNY is to keep it focused on the needs of its members. My reason for running for office is because I believe I have the best skills and experience leading MSSNY and our profession in New York through the turbulent times it is facing in the near future. You too have believed in my abilities and skillset to do that in that you have called upon me numerous times to lead.

I humbly ask for your vote for me, for Vice President of MSSNY.